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Effectively manage all Legionella Water Safety at any location.

Features : CAD Driven Room Locations & Building Plans

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Identify, prioritise & cost for planned and unplanned work
Legionella Risk Management

Identify, prioritise & cost for planned and unplanned work

Convert your current paper checklists or Excel spreadsheets into smart inspection forms in minutes, Make your inspections quicker and easier to complete by showing and hiding fields depending on the answer that your team members select. Use the Audit software to manage your Internal Management System (IMS) or even your accreditation assessment processes.

Upload & edit (in situ) CAD drawings

With a dashboard that allows you to see, at a glance, any risk issues you have throughout your property portfolio and the ability to set up email alerts, you will have peace of mind, manageability, accountability and the tool to help you manage your budget proactively and effectively.

Upload & edit (in situ) CAD drawings
Identify, prioritise & cost for planned and unplanned works
Legionella Risk Management

Identify, prioritise & cost for planned and unplanned works

Fields and responses can be hidden so you only see what matters anytime a report is generated.

Experience Seamless Integration  Book a Consultation

Experience Seamless Integration Book a Consultation

See how vision pro software can apply to your business and improve your compliance today

Comprehensive Legionella Reporting and Documentation
Legionella Risk Management

Comprehensive Legionella Reporting and Documentation

The software offers customizable report templates, enabling users to present Legionella Water Safety related data in a clear and concise manner. Vision Pro's reporting capabilities facilitate effective communication with stakeholders, regulatory authorities, and internal teams, ensuring transparency and supporting informed decision-making.

Integration and Collaboration Capabilities

Vision Pro is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing systems, enabling organizations to enhance collaboration and data sharing. The software supports integration with other management tools, such as document management systems and maintenance management software, streamlining workflows and promoting efficient cross-functional collaboration.

 Integration and Collaboration Capabilities

We track and manage millions of Audits & Assets remote or onsite.

UK Atomic Energy Authority
New Look
Faithful Gould
Faithful Gould
Faithful Gould

See how Vision Pro can improve your organisation.

Whatever your status, our solutions evolve according to your needs.